Thank you for taking this journey with me. If you have questions or comments, please feel free to leave them here or contact me. I would love to talk more and share all the things I was not able to fit into these pages.
If you would like to support our efforts through Move Up Global, there are many ways you can help.
To donate, visit our website or contact me. We accept many forms of payment including online donation, Venmo, PayPal or check.
You can also help by volunteering your time or expertise, or by spreading the word about our work. Please contact me at for more information.
Lastly, we have a newsletter and would be happy to add your email to our communication list. Please email me at to follow our work.
If you are still reading, you are probably related to me, but I do want to thank all the people who made it possible for me to make this trip.
Thank you to Manzi, Delphine and the whole Move Up Global family for your vision and dedication to this project. To the IREME team and all the wonderful people I met in Rwanda, thank you for being gracious and loving hosts and opening your homes to me. Thank you to my parents and grandparents for raising me to be smart, educated, brave and adventurous in a home where language and culture was plentiful and welcomed. Thank you to my gorgeous friend who is always willing to have a party and introduced me to Manzi with her own version of magic. And to my other beautiful friend who texted me the most and was willing to call out my mistakes, thank you.
Thank you to my amazing children who inspire me to be an independent woman and make this world a place I want them to grow up. I love you beyond measure and am so impressed at the humans you are. Dream big and live bigger.
And most of all, and always, thank you to my husband and best friend for walking through this life by my side. You made me believe in myself, little by little, you inspired me by catching your own dreams, and you anchor all I do in love.
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